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Apply for a special authorisation for slaughter without anaesthesia ("slaughtering")

According to the Animal Welfare Act, you may only slaughter warm-blooded animals if you stun them beforehand.

According to the regulations of some religious communities, meat may only be eaten if the animal has been killed by a throat cut without stunning.
You require a special permit for this slaughter without stunning ("slaughtering") for religious reasons.


Slaughter without stunning is necessary to observe religious rites or dietary regulations.

There are also a number of other requirements that must be met, such as requirements for the slaughterhouse or the expertise of the butcher.

Responsible department

the veterinary office of the lower administrative authority

The lower administrative authority is

  • if you live in an urban district: the city administration
  • if you live in a rural district: the district administration


You must apply for authorisation in writing to the competent authority. The following information is required:

  • Name and address of the applicant
  • Name and address as well as details of the expertise of the person carrying out the slaughtering
  • Details of the group of people for whom the slaughter is to be carried out (e.g. religious communities, individuals)
  • Description of the religious regulations on slaughtering
  • Type and number of animals to be slaughtered
  • Period of slaughter
  • Place of slaughter
  • Equipment used for slaughtering
  • Whereabouts of the meat
  • Declaration that the meat will only be supplied to persons who must comply with mandatory religious regulations on slaughtering
  • Description of the religiously prescribed slaughtering process
  • Information on how animal welfare regulations are complied with during the slaughtering process

Additional information must also be provided, depending on who is making the application. This may be

  • a Muslim butcher,
  • a butcher who is not a Muslim himself or
  • a religious community

The competent authority will check your details. If necessary, the person responsible for slaughtering must demonstrate to the authority that they are familiar with and have mastered the provisions of the Animal Welfare Slaughter Ordinance.



Required documents

  • Proof of the expertise of the slaughtering person
  • Expert opinion from legal scholars on the necessity of slaughtering


Fee depending on administrative costs





Legal basis

  • Tierschutzgesetz (TierSchG) vom 18. Mai 2006
  • Gesetz zur Vorbeugung vor und Bekämpfung von Tierseuchen (Tiergesundheitsgesetz - TierGesG) vom 22. Mai 2013

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Ministerium für Ernährung, Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg, 03.12.2024