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Hunting licence - apply for renewal

You can have your hunting licence extended for one hunting year or for three hunting years.

Hunting licences from other federal states are also valid in Baden-Württemberg.


The requirements for the hunting licence are

  • Proof of hunting liability insurance
  • Minimum age: 16 years

If you are between 16 and 18 years old, you will receive a youth hunting licence.

You may only hunt with this licence if accompanied by a person experienced in hunting.

Responsible department

  • If you live in an urban district: The city administration
  • If you live in a rural district: The district administration

Note: If you do not have a main residence in Baden-Württemberg, the administration of the city/district in whose district you wish to hunt is responsible.


You must apply for the renewal of your hunting licence in person at the relevant office (directly at the respective office on site, online (if this is offered) or in writing by post.

If you send the application by post, you must enclose the required documents and your hunting licence.

The relevant office will also return the extended hunting licence to you by post.

Some competent authorities offer the application form for download on their websites.

If you apply in writing, you will receive a fee notice in the post. The competent authority may also request advance payment of the fees.



Required documents

  • Identity card
  • Proof of hunting liability insurance with cover of at least:
    • 500.000 euros for personal injury and
    • 50.000 euros for property damage

This insurance must be valid until your hunting licence expires.

Note: Your hunting licence will only be extended for the period for which you have taken out the insurance. The insurance company can also send the proof directly to the competent authority electronically.




In addition to the hunting licence, you need a permit from the person authorised to hunt in whose hunting ground you wish to hunt.



Legal basis

Jagd- und Wildtiermanagementgesetz (JWMG)

  • § 26 Jägerprüfung, Jagdschein
  • § 27 Gebühren für Jagdschein und Jägerprüfung
  • § 28 Jagdabgabe

Gesetzesbeschluss des Landtags von Baden-Württemberg zur Einführung des Jagd- und Wildtiermanagementgesetzes (pdf)

Bundesjagdgesetz (BJagdG)

  • § 15 Allgemeines zum Jagdschein
  • § 16 Jugendjagdschein
  • § 17 Versagung des Jagdscheins
  • § 18 Entziehung des Jagdscheins

Verordnung des Ministeriums Ländlicher Raum über die Höhe der Jagdabgabe (JagdAbgV) vom 8. März 2022

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Ministerium für Ernährung, Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg, 23.04.2024