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Apply for naturalisation for spouses or registered partners of a person with German citizenship

This naturalisation option for married persons also applies to persons living in a registered civil partnership.

The naturalisation option also applies to minor children (under the age of 16) of the above-mentioned persons if they have custody of the minor child and live in a family relationship with them, provided they have lived in Germany for three years as a rule.

You can check your chances of success for naturalisation in advance using the quick check available under the heading Online application. The quick check will take you to the online portal "Bayernportal".

Related forms and processes


  • Your marriage is valid for the German legal system.
  • Your marriage exists at the time of naturalisation.
  • You have been married to your German husband or wife for at least two years. Your husband or wife has had German citizenship for at least two years and also has it at the time of naturalisation.
  • You and your family members run an independent household in Germany. The centre of your living conditions is in Germany.
  • You have been living in Germany for at least three years.
  • You fulfil the requirements for naturalisation of foreigners with a right to naturalisation.
  • Minor children of German spouses or registered partners can also be naturalised if they fulfil the other requirements for naturalisation of foreigners with a claim to naturalisation.

Responsible department

Is the citizenship authority,

  • if you live in an urban district: the city administration,
  • if you live in a rural district: the district administration.


Note on the Quick-Check: You can use the Quick-Check to check your chances of success for naturalisation in advance. All you have to do is answer a few questions. The quick check is a non-binding check to see whether you fulfil the requirements for naturalisation. The final decision is made by the relevant naturalisation authority after you have submitted your application and all the necessary documents.

An application can be submitted in writing or online via the Baden-Württemberg service portal if the citizenship authority responsible for you has approved this option.

You are obliged to co-operate in the further procedure. If criminal proceedings are currently underway against you, the citizenship authority will await their conclusion.

It will carry out the necessary investigations and involve

  • the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution,
  • the police,
  • the social welfare office,
  • the Federal Employment Agency and
  • other agencies.



Required documents

  • valid identification document (passport, travel document or similar)
  • Photograph
  • Certificate of citizenship or naturalisation certificate of the wife or husband if there are doubts about German citizenship
  • Proof of income, assets, health and long-term care insurance and sufficient pension provision
  • Marriage certificate

The office responsible for you may request further documents.


  • per naturalised person: EUR 255.00
  • for minors to be naturalised without their own income: EUR 51.00

Note: If you withdraw your application or if the competent authority rejects it, the fee will be reduced.

Additional costs may be incurred for the submission of civil status certificates or proof of civic knowledge or language skills and for the renunciation of previous citizenship.




Objection and complaint

Legal basis

Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz (StAG)

  • § 9

Verordnung zu Einbügerungstest und Einbügerungskurs (Einbürgerungstestverordnung - EinbTestV)

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg, 14.08.2024