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Civil partnership certificate - apply for further copies

When you entered into a registered civil partnership, you received a civil partnership certificate.
You can apply for further copies at any time, for example for pension matters and to change identity documents.

The civil partnership certificate contains

  • the first names and surnames of the civil partners
    • at the time the civil partnership was established and
    • according to the entry in the civil partnership register at the time the certificate is issued
  • Place and date of birth and
  • The place and date of the establishment of the civil partnership

Related forms and processes


The following persons are eligible to apply if they are over 16 years of age:

  • Life partners,
  • Ancestors, for example parents and grandparents ,
  • Descendants, for example children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren , and
  • other persons who can credibly demonstrate a legal interest (e.g. by means of a letter from the probate court, a court judgement or an enforceable title)

Responsible department

  • for civil partnerships established by 31 December 2011:
    • if the civil partnership was established in the district office:
      the registry office at the location of the district office
    • if the civil partnership is established in the city district: the registry office of this municipality
  • for civil partnerships established since 1 January 2012: the registry office of the municipality in whose district one of the partners resides or usually resides


You can apply for the certificate in person at the registry office where you formed your civil partnership and pay the fee immediately.

A written application is also possible. Some registry offices also offer the option of ordering certificates by fax, e-mail or telephone.

In these cases, you must clarify with the registry office whether

  • it should send you the certificate or you should collect it and
  • how you can pay the fees (for example by bank transfer or in cash on collection).

Some municipalities and cities also offer forms for electronic ordering on the Internet.

You can also be represented when applying for or collecting the certificate.

Please note Immediate issue of the certificate is not always possible.



Required documents

  • if appearing in person: valid identity card or passport
  • by proxy:
    • written authorisation from the authorised person to whom the entry relates
    • ID of the authorised person
  • Proof of legal interest: e.g. letter from the probate court, court judgement or enforceable title


Civil partnership certificate or notarised printout from the civil partnership register: EUR 20.00 each




Application for a court decision at the local court responsible for the registry office

Legal basis

Personenstandsgesetz - PStG:

  • § 48 Personenstandsurkunden
  • § 58 Lebenspartnerschaftsurkunde

Lebenspartnerschaftsgesetz - LPartG:

  • § 1 Lebenspartnerschaft

§ 5 der Verordnung des Innenministeriums zur Durchführung des Personenstandsgesetzes (PStG-DVO) (Erhebung von Gebühren und Auslagen)in Verbindung mitAnlage 1 (Gebührenverzeichnis)

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg, 23.05.2024