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Draw up a help plan

Regardless of which form of help for upbringing you apply for at the Youth Welfare Office, the first step is to draw up a help plan together with all those involved.

The help plan defines the cornerstones of the help:

  • Need
    • Facts about your family (educational situation, economic circumstances, care of the child, physical and mental condition, etc.)
    • If you alreadyhave already made use of other support measures: What were they? Why was the help not successful?
    • Personal data sheet of your child (e.g. who are the parents, siblings, relatives, abnormalities, illnesses, allergies, vaccinations)
  • Aim of the help measures
    • What should change as a result of the help?
    • What are the expectations of those involved?
  • Type of help
    • Which services are considered necessary and suitable (e.g. socio-educational family support, full-time care, parenting support)?
    • Suggestions for action for parents, professionals, carers
    • Time horizon (how long should the help last?)
    • necessary benefits (e.g. care allowance, initial equipment, therapy costs, travel costs, financial support)

Hint: The youth welfare office must inform all parties involved about the possible consequences of the planned help for the child or young person. It must also document in the assistance plan

  • the way in which the parties involved cooperate; and
  • the extent of counselling by the foster carers


Depends on the individual case.

Check with the responsible office

Responsible department

the local youth welfare office

Youth Welfare Office is,

  • if you live in a city district: the city administration
  • if you live in a district: the district administration office

Note: The cities of Constance and Villingen-Schwenningen perform the tasks as local public youth welfare organisations themselves.


In addition to the parents and children, the following people can also participate in the preparation of the help plan, for example:

  • Relatives,
  • Confidants
  • Doctors and physicians,
  • the child's school
  • if necessary, a psychological service

Together, all those involved agree on the cornerstones of the planned help. They agree on further regular meetings of the parties involved. These meetings serve to review the progress and success of the services. If necessary, the help plan can be updated at these meetings.

Note: The help plan specifies the approved help for a certain period of time. Do you need help for a longer period of time or can the help be terminated earlier? Then an extension or shortening is possible.

The guardians and the youth welfare office sign the assistance plan. If full-time care is planned as a support measure, the foster parents must also sign. All parties involved receive a copy.



Required documents

varies - depending on the individual case

Clarify directly with the competent office which documents you have to submit.


for the preparation of the help plan: none

Note: Costs may be incurred for the services specified in the assistance plan.





Legal basis

Sozialgesetzbuch Achtes Buch (SGB VIII):

  • § 36Hilfeplan
  • § 37 Zusammenarbeit bei Hilfen außerhalb der eigenen Familie

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 30.01.2025