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Apply for socio-educational family support

If your family needs help with everyday issues or therapeutic support for problem situations, you can apply for socio-educational family support. This involves a socio-educational specialist coming to your family regularly for several hours a week. The help is orientated towards your everyday family life.

Socio-educational family assistance is particularly supportive for single parents who are under a lot of stress from coping with everyday family life.

Individual goals are worked out with the family based on the respective resources and abilities of the family members. Goals can be, for example

  • the restoration and strengthening of parenting skills
  • uncovering the strengths and abilities of the individual family members
  • support in coping with everyday life
  • strengthening self-esteem
  • strengthening the ability to deal with conflict
  • improving relationships with each other


  • Socio-educational family support is suitable for helping those affected.
    This is particularly the case if you
    • Have problems organising everyday life,
    • Need support when dealing with public authorities, schools or doctors, or
    • Difficulties arise in the care and upbringing of your children.
  • An important prerequisite for the success of the service is your willingness to accept help and work towards change.

Responsible department

the local youth welfare office.

The youth welfare office is

  • if you live in an urban district: the municipal administration
  • if you live in a rural district: the district office

Note: The city of Constance fulfils the tasks of the local youth welfare office itself.


Contact the relevant youth welfare office with your problems. It will decide whether socio-educational family support is a suitable measure for you. It will help you with the application and also advise you on other help options.

If the help is approved, all parties involved will draw up a help plan together. This will set out how the socio-educational family support should be organised in your case so that all family members benefit from it.



Required documents

Clarify directly with the youth welfare office which documents you need to submit.


The costs of socio-educational family support are borne by the youth welfare office.


Socio-educational family support is primarily intended to Help people to help themselves. It is intended to solve a family's problems in the long term and is therefore usually designed for a longer period of time. The exact duration in each individual case is determined by the youth welfare office together with all those involved and set out in the help plan.



Legal basis

Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) - Achtes Buch (VIII) - Kinder- und Jugendhilfe:

  • § 31 Sozialpädagogische Familienhilfe

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 21.11.2024