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Apply for help with upbringing in full-time care (care allowance)

Foster parents who care for children and young people in full-time care receive maintenance from the Youth Welfare Office (foster care allowance). The Youth Welfare Office pays monthly lump sums that are graded according to the age of the children or young people. They are made up as follows:

  • Costs for material expenses
    These cover the regularly recurring living needs of the children or young people such as accommodation, food, clothing, other needs.
  • Costs of care and education
    These cover the care and education provided by the caregivers. They are to be regarded as an acknowledgement of the foster parents' educational performance. They do not constitute income in the tax law sense.

The following lump sums are recommended:

  • for children from 0 to under 6 years: EUR 853.00
  • for children from 6 to under 12 years of age: EUR 939.00
  • for children and adolescents from 12 to under 18 years of age: EUR 1,004.00

If applicable, these amounts also include subsidies for

  • the expenses for contributions to a private accident insurance for the caregivers (175.78 Euros per year are recommended)
  • Contributions to old-age insurance.
    The Youth Welfare Office reimburses half of the proven expenses
    (a contribution of 42.53 euros per month is recommended)

In addition to the monthly lump sums, you can receive one-time allowances or grants. You can get these, for example, for the initial equipment of a foster home, for important personal occasions in the life of the children or young people or for holiday and holiday trips of the children and young people.

Note: In Baden-Württemberg, the youth welfare offices set the foster care allowance. In individual cases, other amounts are possible, e.g. in the following cases:

  • The child is in foster care with a person liable to pay him/her maintenance (e.g. grandparents). Then the lump sum for the costs of material expenses can be reduced. This dependst on the other obligations of the carer depending.
  • If a person cares for several children, the Youth Welfare Office pays the accident insurance contribution only once.

The Youth Welfare Office makes the maintenance payments for as long as the full-time care lasts. The parents must contribute to covering the The parents must contribute to the costs of full-time care within their financial means.


The child or young person receives one of the following forms of assistance:

  • Full-time care
  • Integration assistance for mentally handicapped children and young people, if the foster carers provide it
  • Assistance for young adults, aftercare

Responsible department

the local youth welfare office

Youth Welfare Office is,

  • if you live in a city district: the city administration
  • if you live in a rural district: the Landratsamt (district administration office)

Note: The city of Constance performs the tasks as the local youth welfare agency itself. The city of Villingen-Schwenningen has handed over the municipal youth welfare office to the Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis as of 01.07.2023.


You do not have to submit an application. Usually, you will receive the approval notice for the care allowance at the same time as the approval for full-time care.



Required documents

Please enquire at the competent office.

Note: The Youth Welfare Office requires proof of income and current expenses from the legal guardians. On the basis of the evidence, it calculates how much they may have to contribute to the maintenance payments for their child.







Release note

28.08.2023; Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg