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Apply for honorary sponsorship by the Federal President

At the request of the parents, the Federal President assumes the honorary sponsorship for the seventh child of a family. If you have not applied for sponsorship for the seventh child, you can also apply for sponsorship for a child born later.

It is primarily of a symbolic nature and cannot be compared with a baptismal sponsorship. By accepting the honorary sponsorship, the Federal President expresses the special caring obligation of the state for large families. The godchild receives a sponsorship certificate and, within the limits of the available funds, a monetary gift.

In the case of multiple births, he or she assumes honorary sponsorship for all children born together with the seventh child.


  • The godchild must be German or German citizen within the meaning of Article 116 paragraph 1 of the Basic Law.
  • At the time of application, including the godchild, there must be at least seven living children in the family who are descended from the same parents, mother or father. Adopted children are treated the same as natural children.

Responsible department

the municipal/city administration of your place of residence


You must apply for honorary sponsorship in writing to the competent office. The application form is available on the website of the Office of the Federal President. After checking the requirements, the Federal President will issue a certificate of acceptance of the honorary sponsorship. This will be handed over to the parents, together with the sponsorship gift, by a representative of your municipality/city.


Within one year after the birth of the child

This does not apply if you were not aware that you could apply for honorary sponsorship for your child. Then you can apply for honorary sponsorship with reasons until the child turns three.

Required documents

  • Family register
  • Birth certificates of the children







Release note

  • 17.07.2023 Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg